Tuesday, 1 March 2011


友邦的保費於2010年錄得12%增長,跟上市時所估算的相若,並沒有多大驚喜。會計賬面值雖然大升31%,但這主要是債劵價格上揚和美金相對疲弱所致。經營溢利(Operating Profit Before Tax,簡稱OPAT)上升了18%,遠較純利的五成少。以經營溢利計算,股東資金回報率只為11.8%,並不特別出眾。
純利和經營溢利的分別,只是會計上的投資回報(詳見業績第82頁)。保險公司的資產在會計上可以分為三類:以成本入賬,透過損益表入賬(Through Profit & Loss)和透過賬面值入賬(available for sales)。簡單而言,友邦可以透過會計分類而左右純利,但這卻並不會影響經營溢利。
在保費錄得12%增長之時,友邦付給經紀的佣金(commission and other acquisition expenses)卻下跌一成三(詳見業績第93頁)。由於壽險公司要先付佣金,保單的現金流往往是蝕頭賺尾(詳見筆銘12月22日內在價值一文)。會計上處理方法是把現時佣金遞延(deferred),然後再在未來攤銷(amortize),這基本上是把盈利提高了。若單看未經會計調整的佣金支出(commissions and other acquisition expenses incurred),這上升了13%,跟保費增長相若。
筆銘對領軍的Mark Tucker有信心,此君為保誠建立其亞洲業務,執行力不俗。友邦2011年的預測市盈率約為14倍,而內在價值則為1.3倍,估值合理。投資者宜放眼未來,對其短線表現則不應有太大期望。


  1. It will take time for AIA to regain its momentum.

    There are two major weaknesses.

    Firstly, I agree that AIA principally operates in Asia-pacfic which is high growth region. However, the market share of its insurance income si lagging behind the market.

    Secondly, as it has invested heavily in AIG which becomes virtually valueless, its equity portfolio is too small when compared with the fixed income part. Given the current low interest rate that may be last for a while, I am not optimistic about its P&L in the short run.

    It cannot breakthrough the 52 weeks high in this week.

    Just for the sake of bluffing, I am just thinking of decomposing an insurance stock's balance sheet and study it without making any reference to the intrinsic values.

    Just my two cents.

    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Worth noting that AIA doesn't really invest in the listed AIG shares. Almost all insurance companies invest more in fixed income than equities because they need to earn a yield for their traditional business. Again, the impact of low interest rates goes through the economic book value and not the P&L.

  3. If I were not wrong, the stake in AIG is mentioned in the IPO prospectus and all of the shares has been disposed before the listing. Correct me if I am wrong.

    BTW, your prediction is indeed a masterpiece. AIA posted a very good 2011 Q1 result and it touched 26.80!

    Your are truly a respectable expert!
